Frequently Asked Questions

Is Novel Rose Enrichment Experience a school?

No, Novel Rose is not a school. It is an opportunity for children to sample extracurricular activities. We offer a wide variety of rotating experiences. The goal of Novel Rose is to be the gateway through which children discover their passions and talents.

Are parents required to be on site while their children are at Novel Rose?

No, parents are not required to be on-site at Novel Rose. On occasion we may need the support of a few parents in a volunteer capacity. If you are interested in being a Novel Rose Parent Volunteer, please reach out to us at Please note that you will be required to clear a criminal background check to be a Novel Rose Parent Volunteer.

Where will Novel Rose Sessions be held?

Novel Rose sessions will be held at Sunrise Church in McMinnville.

Are you affiliated with Sunrise Church?

No we are not affiliated with Sunrise Church. We are grateful to be able to use their facilities for the Novel Rose program.

Who oversees the Novel Rose Enrichment Experience programs?

Novel Rose Enrichment Experience is overseen by Victoria Keister, Susan Nelson, Tanya Braukman, and Rose Etherington.
Together, they bring a wealth of experience in a variety of areas to the table.

Who are Novel Rose’s instructors?

Our instructors come from our community. They are a blend of experts in their fields and community members who are passionate about different topics. We welcome and embrace community involvement, and believe that everyone has something they can contribute.

Are Novel Rose instructors certified?

Novel Rose’s instructors may or may not be certified. We require that all Novel Rose instructors:

  • Be knowledgeable about their subject area

  • Be passionate about enriching children through new opportunities

  • Undergo and clear criminal background checks before being considered

  • Undergo and are certified in child abuse prevention training once they are contracted and before they commence their programs

What is your security like?

A parent or parent-approved adult is required to sign in and sign out for every child. Once sessions start, all doors are locked until sessions are over and pick-up begins. Sunrise Church also has a sophisticated security system in place.

How Much does Novel Rose cost?

The cost for the Novel Rose Enrichment Experience for kids is $395 per child per program, which spans 8 weeks. This includes a nonrefundable $100 deposit that is due at registration. We offer sliding scale registration fee options, and trust parents and guardians to pay what they are comfortable paying. When a family pays the full tuition price, 10% is contributed to the Novel Rose Enrichment scholarship fund.

Can parents use their extracurricular stipend from their child’s charter school, to pay for
Novel Rose Enrichment experiences?

Novel Rose enrichment is an extracurricular experience, which qualifies for the charter school stipend.

What ages are accepted at Novel Rose?

Novel Rose offers sessions for 4-18 year old children.

Does Novel Rose serve special needs?

All children are welcome to participate in the Novel Rose Enrichment Experience. We will work with the parents of special needs children to create an experience that everyone feels good about. All parents who register their children in Novel Rose are required to indicate any special needs their children may have including special abilities, learning difficulties and allergies.

Are children graded and tested at Novel Rose?

There is no testing or grading at Novel Rose, as we are not a school. Our goal is to encourage curiosity, engagement, and self-expression to build confidence in all students.

Does Novel Rose qualify as a daycare?

No, Novel Rose does not qualify as a daycare. We offer extracurricular and enrichment experiences to children.

What is Novel Rose’s cancellation and refund policy?

Parents may cancel their child’s registration up to 72 hours before the commencement of a 8-week program series and be issued a full refund of the program fee only. Once the program sessions have commenced, partial (prorated) refunds of program fees will be granted based on cancellations due to illness, relocation and other extenuating circumstances. Otherwise, no refund will be granted of program fees. Novel Rose requires a two-week notice period of any decision to cancel a child’s registration. Please note that the deposit fee of $100 is non-refundable.

I am new to this area, can my child be registered in Novel Rose in the middle of the program series?

Novel Rose will accept such registrations on a case-by-case basis to ensure that it is in the best interest of all and in particular the new child, who will need time to assimilate as well as get caught up with what the other children have learned. If mid-program registration is accommodated, the program fees will be prorated.

What if my child is ill and cannot attend or becomes ill during a Novel Rose session?

We request that all parents notify us before attending if their child is ill or is in recovery from an illness. We expect that parents will be guided to keep their children at home if they are unwell. Our instructors and oversight team will monitor all children and notify parents immediately if a child appears to be ill.