
Novel Rose Enrichment Experience is a collaboration between parents, community members, professionals, and business owners that provides support and extracurricular experiences for children.

Our goal is to furnish opportunities to children, aged 4 - 18 years, to discover their giftings and interests by way of immersive enrichment experiences. We work with professionals to offer a rotation of sessions that introduce the arts, science, physical activity, civics, geology, geography, and other miscellaneous subjects of interest. Novel Rose Enrichment Experience also facilitates a critically needed social outlet for homeschool and alternative school children.

Our values are derived from our shared belief that all children are created in the image of God and are fearfully and wonderfully made. Their lives hold distinct value, and their God-given giftings need to be realized and recognized. We believe that parents are the ultimate authority in a child’s life, and we endeavor to provide support to them, as they make important decisions about their child’s education.

Novel Rose Enrichment Experience sessions are interactive and engaging for children of all ages. Instructors employ a range of resources and approaches to present their weekly sessions, the objective being to cultivate engagement and interest in the subject area. We offer sessions that are 3-4 hours in length to students ages 4-18. Sessions generally run for 8 weeks in duration. We gather students from all backgrounds to promote independent thinking, awareness, and skills equipping them to interact in the world around them. Core enrichment courses include corporal movement, the arts, history and science. We offer a rotation of content that fit under each course category.

Research states that physical activity promotes endurance, flexibility and strength that have far reaching effects impacting growth and development and imparting strong mental health.

Art instruction helps children with the development of motor, language, and social skills; decision-making, risk-taking, and inventiveness.

Science presents exploration of new ideas and discoveries. It is a process of construction and developing inquiry.

History is an invaluable tool to assist children to understand the world around them. Awareness and comparison of heritage help to formulate one’s identity.

The bridging of these core topics elicits the strengthening of our two cerebral hemispheres. Memory, reasoning and problem solving marry with spatial reasoning, speech and creativity. Extra-curricular activities can teach a combination of Important life skills that can be carried into adulthood. We must acknowledge the agency of children, viewing them as “being extremely creative, possessing a great deal of insight and knowing.” Novel Rose Enrichment Experience provides a forum to do just that. 

We hope you will consider what Novel Rose Enrichment Experience can do for your child.

The Research

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood experiences — both positive and negative — impact a child’s lifelong health and opportunity.

“…brain development primarily occurs in the first years of a child’s life, and the earlier we emphasize… traits such as honesty, loyalty and reverence, the better…”

So we must ask ourselves this: who is influencing the lives of children?

Unfortunately, it seems that technology is. Children ages 8-12 spend 4-6 hours a day on screens. Teens are spending 9+ hours per day on screens. This is creating negative physical effects in the form of:

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Musculoskeletal problems

  • Risk for developing chronic conditions: such as heart disease & diabetes

  • Cognitive changes or impairments

Mental health affects include: 

  • Increased anger and anxiety & low self-esteem

Increased incidences of both cyber bullying and exposure to adult content are on the rise. On average 32% children spend 105 minutes on TikTok, 69.7% spend 102 minutes on YouTube.

That is A LOT of time spent engaged in a solitary one sided relationship that parents have no access to.

Novel Rose Enrichment Experience is an approach aimed at disrupting the current normative childhood paradigm. We offer an alternative to a child’s day that promotes healthy living practices through enrichment activities.

The positive impact of extra-curricular activities is well-founded and researched. Kids respond to structure that is discovered in after school activity. Participation in enrichment programs help a student to balance life, feel a sense of contribution and belonging, and increases their self-confidence. Enrichment provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded children and make long-lasting friendships. It increases a students' sense of engagement, thereby decreasing the likelihood of school failure or the perceived need to drop out. Participation in enrichment activities may decrease problem behaviors such as substance use, risky sexual activity, and delinquency. Improved and consistent school attendance, academic achievement, and aspirations for continuing education beyond high school are byproducts of extra-curricular and enrichment activities.

Cognitively, enrichment increase neuroplasticity and executive functioning. It also reduces stress and enhances social cognition. The brain is a complex organ but very responsive to new stimuli, in particular new experiences. After school activities strengthen mental health by increasing social support networks and opportunities for positive engagement. This is vital because currently,
1 in 5 children experience a mental health problem during their school years. By engaging in enrichment activities, children are better able to develop social skills and meaningful relationships. Positive and consistent social interaction is conducive to learning.

