Register For Our Fall 2024 Session

How To Register for the Novel Rose Enrichment Experience

STEP 1: Click on the REGISTER FOR FALL 2024 button to fill out our registration application.

  • Upon filling out the Novel Rose Enrichment Experience registration application, you will receive an email with next steps and important information.

STEP 2: Pay the $100 deposit fee.

  • Upon completing the registration application, you will receive a welcome email from us, asking you to pay a $100 deposit fee. This $100 fee is non-refundable, but will be applied to your tuition fee.

    Novel Rose Cost Breakdown

    • $100 deposit fee

    • $395 per child every session. The $100 deposit fee will be applied to this amount, leaving a balance of $295.

      • We offer sliding scale tuition options. When you pay the full session tuition of $395, 10% will be contributed to the Novel Rose Enrichment scholarship fund.

      • We offer payment plans.

      • We offer scholarships.

      • We give you the option to pay what you are comfortable paying. Please reach out to us at for more information.

STEP 3: Fill out additional registration paperwork

  • Once you fill out the registration application, and pay the $100 deposit fee, you will receive a second email asking you to fill out some additional registration paperwork for your child(ren). We are here to assist you, and answer any questions you have! Please feel free to reach out to us anytime, at